April Membership Meeting

The April Membership meeting will be held at Dave Chaffee's residence starting at 11am, and will be held until he kicks us out of his property.

Monthly Mtg

Next Monthly meeting is at Hollin Hall Senior Center.  Check newsletter for details

Members’ Mtg / B&O Museum

B&O Museum, Baltimore 901 W Pratt St, Baltimore, MD, United States

The March Members' meeting will be held at the B&O Museum.  Convene in the middle of the roundhouse.

East Coast Large Scale Train Show

April 2024 Shopping complex at Star Hobby The address for Star Hobby is: 1564 Whitehall Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409 The confirmed dates and times: Set up: Thursday, the 11th of April, set up from 8am till 6pm. Final Set up: Friday, the 12th of April, from 7am to 9am Running trains: Friday, the 12th of April, from...

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