Auto Train or Bust

Ann and I were in Florida for a couple weeks and decided to take the Auto Train home instead of driving. The AMTRAK auto train runs from Sanford FL to Lorton VA and is a 17 hour trip. We were to arrive after 12:30 and before 3PM with a train…

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2023 ECLSTS Voting Results

In January I asked our membership to vote on participating in the 2023 East Coast Large Scale Train Show. Here are the results: John Roppel has volunteered to be my co-coordinator. Thank you, John! John Waters-Heflin has volunteered to tow the trailer, and I will be his back-up. The vote…

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Fairfax Station January Meeting

We held the January meeting, in the community room of the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum on Sunday, January 15th, 2023, from 11:00 until 5:30pm. WVMGRS members created a large table-top layout consisting of three large loops from 11:00 AM to noon. This effort offered us a great opportunity for us…

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Bylaw Revisions

Our committee to review bylaws is off to a slow start but we HAVE started!!! Sorry for the delay. Here is the plan: To date, we’ve received about a half-dozen ideas for changes to the bylaws. First, I’d like to reinvite members to offer any suggestions to Shel, Peter or…

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Fairfax Station Layout

WE’RE BACK! After a two year Covid hiatus our club once again provided its fund raiser support to The Friends of Fairfax Station Museum. As always in years past, the main reason we do this civic layout is to assist with their annual December fund raiser. This layout, and all others…

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Quiet Month

It appears that February will be a much quieter month for the club compared to the last three. I would like to thank everyone who helped with the teardown of the Brookside Gardens display. Our members continue to amaze me. According to Jeff and a few other long-term members, this…

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